Javascript Specialist

  • Certified Javascript Specialist

This course is tailored to provide students a complete in-depth overview into JavaScript programming language through a complete Certification Program that ensures students leave with specialized know-how in this respective technology.

Come learn with the Founder of Framework Tech Media, Mark Lassof!

The JavaScript Specialist Designation is a tangible proof of mastery in this field-set and will drive up your professional value regardless of your work-environment.

What you'll learn

    Introduction to JavaScript

  • Internal & External JavaScripting
  • Testing Output on Console & Browser
  • Variables & Typed Variables
  • Operators & Arithmetic Operators
  • Built-In Math Functions
  • JavaScript Fundamentals

  • Conditional Statements
  • Looping Algorithms
  • JavaScript Functions & Regular Expressions
  • Form Data & Handling Forms
  • Data-Structures & Events
  • JavaScript Concepts

  • DOM Elements & Structure
  • XML & JSON Notation
  • Event-Based Coding Paradigm
  • Accessing Geolocation Features
  • JavaScript Classes & Objects
  • Service-Oriented Architecture
  • Web Service Requests
Javascript Specialist

General Content Guidelines

1 chapter • 15 lessons • Total duration: 3h 7m

Javascript Specialist

15 lessons3h 7m


  • Personal Computer (Mac, Windows or Linux)
  • Basic HTML knowledge is a plus but not mandatory.


Designed by Brendan Eich in 1995, JavaScript is amongst the core technologies of the World Wide Web. This high-level text-based language allows you to develop programs both client and server-side and due to its omni-platform system it can be run anywhere and everywhere!

Mark Lassof, the author and one of the instructors responsible for tutoring this course, has taught over 1 Million students over the internet and written over 7 books about Computer Programming. Mark is also the in-demand speaker of the Silicon Valley Code Camp and won the 2017 eLearning Guild Guildmaster Award. By completing our Certification Program, enrolled students apply for the designation of JavaScript Specialist

This Certification Program is fulfilled by first completing all course lessons and then successfully approving the exam (50 multiple-choice questions, minimum 80% scoring and possibility to apply again if things don't go well in the first try). By the end of the course, you’ll also be prompted with your well-deserved Certificate of Completion.

Original course created by Alex Genadinik